Senin, 11 Maret 2019


HELLO! My name is Muhamad Fikri Nurohman, people usually call me Fikri.
I was born on the 24th September 2001, in a city called Sumedang, West Java.  So, I'm now 17! I'm the first child in my family, so I have 1 younger brothers. My younger brother is now 9 years old and he loves football. My family consists of me, my younger brother, Nabil, my mom, and my dad.

Although I was born in Sumedang, I don’t remember that I was lived in Sumedang when I was child. Since I was born untill my age is 2 years, I lived in a place in Sumedang called Cariyu. After that, I moved to Bandung, so I don’t remember anything about Cariyu.

At school, I participate in Trilogi, DKM, Indonesian Debate Forum, and Badminton Club. Trilogi is a group for those who are interested in competing at science stuffs. I'm the representative for the Chemistry group of Trilogi. DKM is an organization to guide me to the right way inlife. Also Indonesian Debate Forum, I learn some softskills in debate, public speaking, and anymore from that. Meanwhile, Badminton club as we all know is a club for those who have interest in Badminton. At that, I play on number MEN’s double with my partner, Gilbert.

I like playing games and watching videos on YouTube.

 I really like sports. After a long day at school (at the weekend), I ask my friends to go playing some sports, like football or badminton with me. I think it is the right way to release out stress while also improving my stamina.

Lately, I've been more focused in my studies. I dream to be graduate of my high school and go to the best university I can go to. I'm also preparing for the chemistry olympiads, so these last few months I've been putting extra hours into chemistry so I can have a chance competing in the olympiads.

Talking about my strengths, one of them has to be in my ability to learn things quickly. I'm a fast learner and able to adapt with new things quickly, especially with things that requires logical things. This greatly affects my grades at school.

When preparing for exams, I don't write notes in books or make beautiful mind maps which consume a lot of time. I just read and understand the concepts which takes a shorter amount of time compared to others who read books and make mind maps, and the results are quite the same, it's usually more effective compared to others.

I'm also pretty good at teaching myself how to do stuff. I can manage my time on how is the way i spend my time. School’s tasks, learn chemistry, doing sports, and pray. I can manage all of it in my life.

I like to help other people too. I don't have a lot of activities so most of the time I'm not busy. On my free time, I usually respond and help the peoples who need my help, usually in school studies or anything, really.

On sports, especially football, I can play almost all in the position. I can be a goalkeeper, a defender, midfielder, and also a striker. When I was young in elementary school, I join Football Association School, and I positioned as a striker. All of my partner believe that I have more skills to be a striker than the others.\

Besides football, I also like badminton. When palying badminton, I’ve always play with my partner because I play on men’s double. Although I never join a badminton club before, I can learn to play quickly, and defeat the others.

Of course I have a lot of weakness that I have to change it in my life. I just want to tell about my weakness that are most often experienced.

First, I'm often forget something easily. I'm a fast learner, I can memorize something easily, but besides that, I also a forgetful person.

The second is I'm lazy for study about school lesson at home. Sometimes I just imitating my friends homework because I don't like to do a disliked subject. I just want to read and learn about chemistry at home. A lot of e-book stored on my laptop, so I can read it anytime in my spare time, besides to play a game or sports.

Sometimes, I don't care about my body's health, don't care with others. I eat carelessly. I like every food, especially a food that contain cheez on it. But besides that, I also often eat unhealthy foods, so I can say that sometimes, I don't care with my body's health, especially on food selection.

I usually have much free time, and I use them for things that are usually not productive. I spend a lot of time sleeping and playing games when I should have used them for better things I supposed. I spend way too much time on gadgets.

Sometimes I just want to work by myself, not in a group discussion or something, because sometimes It's slow down my work. Besides that, sometimes I also like a group discussion where I can exchange ideas and change my bad perspective. So, you could say – Sometimes I'm a bit selfish on doing my work.

Academically, I've lot of achievements. It involves competitions inside school and competitions outside of school, too! At school, I always be a top three at the class. I have a capable skills science.

Outside the school, I often join some science competition. Lately, I won the 2nd place in Dentristy Intellectual Challenge with my classmate, Zidane and Aira. It is a national level prestigious competition. The material is Math, physics, biology, chemistry, and basic dendistry knowledge. 

I alse have other achievements outside of academics too. When I was a child, I am the 2nd place in Bandung Grassroot Championship. Since that, I continued to practice football until I finished my elementary school. After graduated from elementary school, I join the Junior High School. Since that, I just want to play badminton, but my fooball skills is never lost.

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